meet simon

Simon's goal

Having now qualified as a Chartered Wealth Manager and Stockbroker, I am working towards becoming a Chartered Financial Planner. Working with my father, Barry W P Bennett, my goal is to continue to enhance the family business which provides unbiased, bespoke, private client Wealth Management, Stockbroking and Financial Planning services to both individuals and small businesses on personal and face to face basis.

Simon Bennett


Simon Peter Bennett MEng (Hons) Chartered MCSI DipPFS

Chartered Wealth Manager, Stockbroker and Practice Manager


Eldest son of Barry and Karen. Former Employee of the Wrigley Company in Quality Assurance (2006-2007) and the Chevron Oil Corporation as an Undergraduate Chemical Engineer (2010-2011).


  • Masters of Engineering in Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath. Graduated 2012.
  • Devonport High School for Boys: A Levels. Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Computing.
  • Plymouth College: GCSEs.
  • Kelly College
  • Tavistock College
  • Mount House


Why is this Significant?

The FCA requires that all retail investment advisers now hold a Statement of Professional Standing (SPS).

An SPS can only be issued by an FCA appointed accredited body, such as the CII, and confirms that an adviser:

    • Has adhered to a code of ethical standards
    • Holds the required qualifications for the activities they undertake
    • Has completed appropriate CPD and complied with APER (Statements of Principle and Code of Practice for Approved Persons)
  • ACSI – Associate of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment
  • Chartered MCSI
  • DipPFS
  • CII Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning (QCF)
  • CII Level 4 Certificate in Securities Advice and Dealing
  • CISI Level 4 Diploma in Investment Advice (Securities)
  • R01 – Financial Services, regulation & ethics
  • R02 – Investment Principles & Risk
  • R03 – Personal Taxation
  • R04 – Pensions & Retirement Planning
  • R05 – Financial Protection
  • R06 – Financial Planning Practice
  • R08 – Pensions Update
  • Investment Risk and Taxation


We have worked with Team Bennett for a few years now, and can honestly say that the advice they have given has enabled us to retire early with a good level of income, whilst keeping our tax implications at the best level.

The whole family are very approachable and will endeavour to do their very best for you for a reasonable fee.  If there is any part of the suggested investments that you don’t understand fully, they are quite happy to explain either by phone,  email or face to face.

Thoroughly recommend as they have given us exactly what they have said they would.

Proof is in the Pudding! 😃 Many thanks to you all.


- Karen O. (Verified Client 2022)
